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Ecological Society for the Study and Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora 

Turdus viscivorus
Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Sitta europaea 3
Troglodytes troglodytes
Phasianus colchicus
Parus major 2
Passer hispaniolensis
Passer domesticus
Galerida cristata
Parus ater
Larus ridibundus
Fringilla montifringilla
Falco subbuteo
Dendrocopos mior
Dendrocopos syriacus
Dendrocopos major
Dendrocopos leucotus
Corvus frugilegus
Corvus monedula
Corvus corone sardonius
Coccothraustes coccothraustes
Accipiter brevipes
Certhia familiaris
Carduelis spinus
Carduelis carduelis
Aquila pomarina
Acanthis flammea
Sarasa Comet
Drosera obovata
Caras cometă
Dendrocopos syriacus
Turdus merula
Crocus longiflorus
Knautia macedonica
Parus coeruleus
Yellow Comet Goldfish
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Acanthis flammea

Who we are? 

With over thirty years of dedicated conservation efforts, our organization stands as a pillar of authority in safeguarding Romania's biodiversity. Our team, composed of nationally and internationally acclaimed scientists and experts, is committed to protecting fish species and aquatic ecosystems, playing a vital role in preserving the ecological balance and the nation's invaluable natural heritage.

We actively work to save rare and endangered species, conduct expeditions, and meticulously monitor fish populations across 11 hydrographic basins, the Danube, the Danube Delta, and the Black Sea coastal region. Through these efforts, we are equipped with an accurate understanding of the current state of Romanian waters, ensuring the future of these precious ecosystems for generations to come.

Aquaterra in numbers


Years of existence


Areas of interest





Areas of interest

Strategies for the Conservation of Rare Plant Species and Endangered Animal Populations

Promoting Youth Education and the Development of Ecological Civic Consciousness

Integrating Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research

Promoting Technological Innovation and Transfer to Farmers in Mountainous Areas

Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Mountainous Areas

Strategic Expansion of Nature Reserves and NATURA 2000 Sites


Ambasada sustenabilității
Coaliția NATURA 2000
World Fish Migration Foundation
Fauna and Flora International
Universitatea București
Fundația Alex Găvan



Network of Partner Schools

Sv_Scoala Gimnaziala ”Teodor Balan” Gura Humorului
Sv_Scoala Profesionala Speciala Campulung Moldovenesc
Sv_Liceul Tehnologic Nr.1 Campulung Moldovenesc
Sv_Colegiul Silvic Bucovina, Campulung Moldovenesc
Sv_Liceul tehnologic Vasile Deac, Vatra Dornei
Sv_Colegiul National Dragos Voda, Campulung Moldovenesc
B_Colegiul Național Gheorghe Lazăr
Sv_Colegiul Alexandru cel Bun, Gura Humorului
Seminarul Teologic Ortodox
Liceul Dante Aligheri
Colegiul Cantemir Vodă
B_Colegiul Național Bilingv George Coșbuc
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